Do you want to start a business in downtown Old Monterey? The Old Monterey Business Association wants to help you!
Downtown Monterey may be one of the easiest, fastest places to open a business! When you're ready to start your business downtown, OMBA wants to help you. We're adding new information to this site all the time, so please check back with us for more helpful tips.
For information on starting a business, the City of Monterey website has great resources and additional information on obtaining a business license.
When you're ready to file your Fictitious Business Name Statement, call The Monterey County Weekly newspaper, (831) 394-5656 (or visit the offices at 668 Williams Avenue in Seaside), and ask for the Legal Notices Department. The Monterey County Herald also publishes Fictitious Business Name Statements. Call the Legal Notices Department, (831) 646-4387 (or stop by their offices, 8 Upper Ragsdale in Monterey). Both newspapers will send a "proof of publication" to you and to the Monterey County Clerk's office.
The Small Business Administration and Monterey Bay Score administer Web sites with valuable tips and online classes on how to start your own business. The Cal Coastal Small Business Development Center in Salinas and The Small Business Development Center at Cabrillo College, offer business counseling, workshops, and classes.