Coventry and Kaluza at Monterey Public Library

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Monterey Public Library presents an all-ages performance by clowning duo Coventry and Kaluza on Thursday, July 25, 1pm-2pm in the Community Room. Enjoy jokes, acrobats, juggling and hula hooping! Advance registration required here.

About Coventry and Kaluza

Jamie Coventry and Natasha Kaluza are graduates of both the first and second year programs of the Clown Conservatory at the San Francisco Circus Center. The duo won Best Comedy/Clown Act in the American Circus Festival two years in a row, and best duo in the Picklewater Free Circus Festival two years in a row.

Whether live looping 7 harmonicas while keep several plates spinning, or funk dancing with multiple hula hoops, Coventry & Kaluza never fail to, “bring the needed pizzazz!”

Event Details

Starts at:
Ends at:
625 Pacific St
Monterey, CA 93940
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