2023 Monterey Bay Half Marathon Road Closures & Parking Restrictions

This event has already passed

Because of the Monterey Bay Half Marathon on Sunday, November 12, there will be a number of parking restrictions, 2am-11am, and road closures, 3am-11am, in Downtown Old Monterey and in the New Monterey and Cannery Row areas.

To download a detailed list of all parking restrictions and road closures in Monterey that morning, please click here. Information may also be downloaded below.

The entire Half Marathon course will be posted, "No Parking - Tow Away 2am-11am on Sunday, November 12, 2023." Other parking restrictions will also be in effect in the Downtown and Cannery Row areas. All "No Parking" areas will be posted a minimum of 48 hours in advance. All vehicles left standing in a "No Parking" zone will be towed at the owner's expense.

Event Details

Starts at:
Ends at:
Alvarado and Franklin
Monterey, CA 93940
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