Buy a Plant from the Cooper Molera Gardens

Did you know? You can purchase plants that have been propagated from the Cooper Molera Gardens. Just visit the Cooper Molera Museum entrance Wednesday - Sunday, 10am-4pm at 506 Munras Avenue in Downtown Old Monterey.

One gallon pots cost $10; two gallon pots cost $15. Cash, card, and Apply Pay accepted. All proceeds benefit Cooper Molera.

Right now, we have Clivia Minata, or "Bush Lilly" in stock (pictured here). Get them now while they are blooming! Bush Lily is a broadleaf, evergreen, clumping perennial native to South Africa. It takes a few years for a Bush Lily plant to bloom, so unless you are very patient it is best to purchase a mature plant like the ones we have in stock here. The blooms are showy and long-lasting, usually an orange, white, or yellow color and lily-like in shape. The plant grows up to 2 feet high and 3 feet wide.

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